Sunday, October 12, 2008

The rest of "Blankets"

Ok. Did I miss something? I'm totally disappointed with this ending! It's too realistic! I was expecting it to pan out like a Lifetime movie. Happy Ending. They find each other later on,(its some amazing story), they get married and have like 8 children with exotic names. WHAT?! None of this? Alright. Other than the fact that the ending wasn't what I had hoped for, the comic was pretty cool. Take a man, dig deep into his past, tell about his first love and experience as a senior in high school and you have a big hit. For a guy who wasnt very close with his family growing up, was abused by a babysitter, had a ridiculous first love experience and was talked down to by pretty much everyone and anyone, grew up to be kind of a big deal. Ironic. (Just had to make that statement, because i thought it was interesting.)

Now for Topic A: Transitions.
Just flipping through, an interesting transition is on page 179. The panels are of Raina, her father and Craig all in the car. It starts to snow and the panels are suddenly engulfed by a big panel of snow outside the car. I like the way Thompson does this, it's a cool effect. Especially when he has the talk bubble act as a cloud creating snow.

Page 183- Also very cool. You get a glimpse of the quilt as a whole. Then he zeros in on the different patterns of fabric. Each pattern acting as a panel with Craig and Raina speaking to each other about the quilt.

Page 260- The snow starts off in a big panel.
Then to prove his point of sense of space and depth being limited.
He makes the snow smaller, and smaller. (in two separate panels). <-- probably a better example of words and pictures but i thought it was cool.

OH and I can't remember whether this was in the first two chapters or the rest of the book, but when Thompson describes the hot nights that him and Phil shared together, I couldn't help but laugh at the part where Craig makes fun of his brother for flipping the pillow over because its "cooler" on the other side. I used to/and still do that. So i thought it was pretty funny.

1 comment:

KMG said...

First I love how you write your blogs! It reminds me exactly of how you talk and it makes me laugh because I can just see your dissapointment with the ending! But like I had mentioned in class today, it completely didn't even hit me about the ending being completely flat and boring like that. It would have been really cute for them to be together, to me they seemed like the perfect couple that would be together forever!!!
But also when you said you laughed about flipping the blanket over because it was cooler on the other side...I too used to do that when I was younger! But wwhat I found funny in or around that section was when Phil said that he peed on Craig. I was laughing hysterically when it really was his finger and then they had a little "pee" fight. Definitely shows there true brotherly love!